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Venue Registration

Turn the quiet times into a success story by hosting speed dating events at your venue. Setup is risk free, no fees apply until you begin taking payments.

How it works

Customers scan a provided QR code to register their interest at your venue; place your QR code around menus or tables, or link to your venue registration page from your digital space. Once enough registrations occur our algorithm matches groups of registered members for event scheduling automatically, handling all match preferences behind the scenes, and charging customers ahead of time for lock in - you only need to schedule and host the events, it's so easy!

To start registering members at your venue just provide some quick info below and we'll get you set up in a jiffy.

My full name is

My personal contact number is

The legal name of the venue is

The venue URL slug1 will be https://flurito.com/join/

The full address of the venue is

The official venue phone number is

The official venue email is

I confirm that I have authority to speak on behalf of the venue:

Official venue contact information should match Google maps data, otherwise additional checks may be necessary.

1Once the venue URL slug is created it cannot be changed.

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